Children's Author

Meet the Author
I was born and brought up in Anfield, Liverpool. It was a great place to live, especially as a teenager in the 1960's when The Beatles dominated the music scene! I still love to visit Liverpool and I get back there whenever I can. I am married with two children and I now live in Bury, Lancashire. I worked for many years as a Primary School Head Teacher but I now write full time. My hobbies include sport (I support Everton F.C.!), reading, travel and, of course, WRITING! I can't stop writing!

I started writing seriously back in 1985 and my
first book, Sparky's Return, was published two
years later, firstly in hardback and then later as
a paperback.
More than thirty books have been published to date
- a mixture of mystery and adventure stories all with lively characterisation and a liberal dose of humour! As soon as I finish one book I'm ready to start the next!
One of the most satisfying things about my role as an author is being able to visit schools throughout this country and abroad and share my ideas with teachers and children.

When I was a child...
My parents were always intending to call me Philip. However, I was born on the first of March, which is St. David's Day, so they changed their minds and called me David. I'm so glad I wasn't born on St. Cuthbert's Day!
I was a bit chubby as a baby - but pretty cute!

As a young boy growing up in Liverpool, I had no ambition to become an author. I really wanted to be a professional footballer and play for Everton - but I was just not good enough!

I have always LOVED reading. As a child, I used to read in bed every night until my mum made me turn off the light. I would wait until she had gone back down stairs and then sneak out of bed and turn it back on again!

I also loved animals. I had lots of different pets including a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a budgie, white mice, gerbils and a brown rat. I used to save up my pocket money, take it to the local pet shop and buy another creature. Rusty the rat was the last straw for my mother. She went to see the pet shop owner and told him not to sell me any more animals!