Children's Author
Resources for Teachers
Literacy Resources
Ready, Steady Write! Key Stage 1 £17.50
An exciting and stimulating literacy resource aimed at developing and improving writing at Key Stage 1. Ready, Steady, Write! provides a wealth of material to support teachers in delivering narrative, non-fiction and poetry units. With practical, photocopiable tasks, it includes comprehensive Teacher Notes and completed examples.
Write Now Key Stage 2 £17.50
Write Now! is an invaluable literacy resource for Key Stage 2 which should raise achievement and bring interest and enjoyment into the writing curriculum. The resource has been specifically produced to enthuse and engage boys in the writing process whilst maintaining the interest and developing the skills of all children. The resource is fully photocopiable.
Primary School Assembly
Four collections of lively and often humorous original stories, each with a theme, an introduction, a prayer and follow up activities.